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Non-Disclosure Agreement
Please check the content below to indicate acceptance of the Non-Disclosure agreement.

This Agreement is made by and between the Agency ("Company") and the brand Checker ("Recipient").

1. Definition of Confidentiality. As used in this Agreement, Confidential Information refers to any information which has commercial value, which can include but is not limited to client details, brand names, taglines, logos, legal documents, and any other information which is proprietary and confidential to the Company.

2. Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obligations. Recipient will maintain in confidence and will not disclose, disseminate or use any Confidential Information belonging to Company, whether or not in written form.

3. Survival. This Agreement shall govern all communications between the parties. Recipient understands that its obligations under Paragraph 2 ("Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obligations") shall survive the termination of any other relationship between the parties.
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